Tuesday, January 29, 2013


There was an exhibition at the London College of Fashion, JPS branch about leather. I was on my way to the library when I noticed it and found it so 'wicked'! Leather manipulated in such exotic forms, my kind of thing.
LCF Exhibition
LCF Exhibition
Such beautiful works.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back to London, from the holidays

Back to London, back to school and back to work. So pretty much back to reality and happy belated new year to us :) I celebrated my time with friends and family in cold, snowy Indiana and here's a random recap of my little cherished moments...
Playing in the snow with my super dooper adorable niece
Indianapolis Winter
Happy chics :)
A dinner then drinks affair on new year with Grant and Siri. Lovely characters. I laughed so hard that night, I cried.
New year's eve
and we walked along the somewhat quiet streets of the city
Monument in Indianapolis
I also went to Ohio to see my besties I hadn't seeen in YEARS!!! I miss my girls so much!!!
A weekend in Ohio
And my wonderful high school friends :) Karla, Dani, Franci and Dash ;) I swear, sometimes I wonder why I ever left Indiana. Catching up with them over a 'guess who' game.
Game night with my old high school friends :D
And then we headed to the Hookah Bar, WHAT A NIGHT! Great thing we're all over 21 these days
A fun night at the Hookah Bar
Of course I had to cut my hair again
Another cut
Then I came back to London and moved again. More about that in the next post. xx