Hiya!!! Just on Thursday I attend the London College of Fashion FashOnFood Event and it was so eye opening debating about the relationship between fashion and food. Made me wonder about many things. The subject ended up being centered around the subject of sustainability. I'm just thinking how can people afford organic good? I mean, I am a full time student living in city of London, yes, that means EXPENSES! Yes, it's true, I am a scrimper, even tough I like to indulge on some things at times, I tend to go for cheaper goods because I am just not able to afford the slightly higher priced shit as I'd like to, like in the cases of many people living in this town. I still do the bits I can aka. recycling. The panel and the audience went on for about a good 2hrs before it was over...and here are some photos I took with my camera :)
It all started with an invitation
Then a snog
The aftermath - Managed to snap a couple of photos of the panel