Thursday, November 21, 2013


I stumbled upon this email that Proud Camden dropped in my inbox.  Surprisingly, this one was not about finding a horse's tail and getting free drinks for the rest of Thursday night.  Oh no, but on a sweet note, it was the photos of the late President JFK and his family.
Just how adorable is this one! melts my heart...



I couldn't access all the photos but here is the link to the vintage photo timeline, from Proud Camden to me, and from me to you.
Link -->,0,0,0,0

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Night dreams


My day attire from Friday, while the photos were taken at 'night time' thanks to the daylight saving.

Bizarrely feels like blurry night dreams...

Night dreams

Night dreams 

Night dreams 

Night dreams 

Night dreams 

Night dreams