Thursday, June 6, 2013

If you can't beat them, dress better than them!

So...I had my big group presentation today with John Lewis and it went good :) but we didn't win.  We didn't even make it to the top 3 and there were 12 groups :(  But on a good note, I got to meet some lovely people, minus the some 'not so lovely' ones, it was a good experience.  My nerves got the best of me at some point during the presentation as I'm not particularly fond of public speech.  So I say congrats to the winners and their outstanding work!
We lost, but I read somewhere on Instagram 'If you can't beat them, dress better than them'.  #OOTD
(Instagram me on @Labelloola)






 Photo credits go to my little sister, Anita :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Feels like a fruit basket on my head

A quick post of today's outfit.  And by the way, I just saw The Great Gatsby.  OMG! I have become one of those 'Leo fanatic girls', I OFFICIALLY ADMIT THAT I LOOOOVE LEONARDO DICAPRIO! Absolutely loved the movie even tho I made my eyeliner run down my cheeks.  It was brrrrilliant! The costume was amazing *round of applause for that*
Also, tomorrow is my big pitch presentation to John Lewis.  After all the weeks of sweat, tears and stress, it all comes down to tomorrow to show them what we have come up with.
 Test 2








On that note, goodnight people.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy bee

I've been a busy bee lately but thank goodness I will be done with my course this week and on to summer vacation!  I cannot actually sleep in every now and then and just relax to minimize these dark circles under my eyes.
Today was another stressful day, but busy bee is looking forward to next week, to start celebrating...anything.  So here are photos from today, a lovely day in London town, after school :)
New post 1 

New post 2 

New post 3 

New post 4 

New post 5 

 New post 6 
