Friday, July 3, 2009

A day in West End, Central London

It was another hot day in the week in London.
After school, i headed to West End with a fanatics :b
Anyways, in our quest, we went in Office and i saw the same exact shoes that singer Cierra was sporting on a sunny day out (see photo).
They used to be £70 and now are on sale for £40!!! and 'O MY GOODNESS' are they comfortable. I didn't want to take them off.
I want to get them, but then i want to get so many other things as well, starting with a camera.
It's not a good thing to be paid the minimum wage :(
After all, i ended up with a skirt and ripped jeans from H&M, and a super cute beach bag!
Also got black thongs (flip flops) for work :) and a kebab for *Him :)
